Ortolan Rosolio is unique
Most people we come across haven’t tried anything quite like Ortolan before. Here’s how we suggest trying it for the first time:
1. Pour some Ortolan Rosolio into a glass over ice. Swish it and smell, then taste.
If you were to add an orange peel to this, then you’d be having our favorite and most straight-forward way to enjoy Ortolan as an aperitif.
2. Add a little sparkling water to the Ortolan and ice. The bubbles help to further lift the aromas. Smell, and taste if you like.
If you were to add a lemon slice to this (or not), you’d be having our version of a highball.
3. Squeeze a lime or lemon wedge into the glass. Stir or swish the glass and watch. The color will change to pink (the more citrus you add, the more pink it will get as the acidity reacts with the pigments from the rose petals). Taste and enjoy.
This is the Ortolan and Soda, one of the most popular and refreshing ways to enjoy Ortolan Rosolio.
From here, play around with your favorite spirits and Ortolan. We like to think that it pairs well with most any spirit and a bit of citrus to create a complex but easy-to-make drink.